Saturday, January 16, 2021

Elections 2020

Like everything in 2020, the Penn Band elections looked a little different! Since mid-March, the band kept busy with virtual social events, PB “Social Distancing Orchestra” videos, Zoom rehearsals, and an album recorded from home. On December 7th, 2020, Bandos with good standing convened over Zoom for speeches, Q&As, and the yelling at each other about whether or not the year 2020 itself qualifies for Horse’s Ass. We still don’t know about that last part but we do know who will be serving on the Penn Band Board for 2021! Keep reading for highlights from an unusual election in an unusual year.


Candidate: Adam Rose

No one runs for president from the floor* (shocker...)

*Zoom call


Adam’s Speech:

Thanks everyone for being here because this semester was a lot different. The dedication amazes him and makes it more exciting to run for president. So many people invested in the Penn Band success. 

The band faced a lot of challenges and we came out with more opportunities. We still accomplished a lot. Better university partnerships, programming each week, and continued dedication. 

Voting for him as president is trusting in Board to lead the band through new challenges and uncertainties.

A band of musicians is a band of creative minds and this can carry us through. Looking forward to another great year!


Bryan Denq asks what University partners Adam sees us working with. 

Adam wants to partner with the cultural centers, especially after what 2020 has shown in regards to the injustices students in the Penn community face

Caitlin Frazee asks Adam how we’ll keep people engaged next semester without the structure of the album. 

Adam acknowledges how important the album was for the structure, wants to make a similar structure for spring

Closing Statement: we did start the decade off on the right track and I’m confident that we will continue to navigate through the pandemic.


Adam is the next President!


Candidate: Charlotte Cecarelli

Again, no one runs from the floor (also shocking…)


Charlotte’s Speech:

Charlotte thanks everyone for getting good standing 

Loved being secretary but wants to help in a different way

Experience working with digital stuff

*Quick plug for her YouTube channel, The Nurse Nextdoor!*

Knows she can step in whenever another board member is feeling overwhelmed. 


Lexi Raday asks if she has any creative projects in mind. 

Charlotte says we got good feedback at the Council meeting the previous night. Names ideas other Council members suggested (ex: Josh virtual field show). Wants to make sure everyone can participate in a way that they are comfortable with.

Caitlin Frazee asks if there is anything she would have done differently if she were the VP for this last semester.

Charlotte says she would want to send out more periodic updates of the album process/what we are doing in any given semester

Charlotte gives a nice & short beautiful closing statement that the rest of Board failed to write down because they were so enthralled by her words (and Charlotte, who was 2020 Secretary, was the primary notetaker for this blog…)


Charlotte is the next VP!


Candidates: Elena Miller and Jenna Pollack

Again, no one runs from the floor


Elena’s Speech:

She starts by affirming her love for us

Loved working as R&R co-chair to recruit newbies in the middle of a pandemic

“Recruited and retained an impressive set of newbies”

Ready for more responsibility and involvement

Diversity, equity, and inclusion chair should be added to the council

Microaggression training, more outreach to underserved schools in Philly

Elena’s Speech:

Band is her favorite thing about Penn

Comfortable handling multiple positions (is DM and flute sleader now and was music manager in the past)

Ready to establish relationships with the freshmen so they feel welcome

Adjusting the budget for safety measures next semester, more food for retention; more informal but regular social events.


Miriam Glickman asks about how they would interact with Fanfare as a Boardmember

Jenna: communicating more with Fanfare board (talks with Miriam a bit), is a Fanfare member herself, has experience reaching out to schools

Elena: Communication = key. Board and fanfare can have separate projects, but that it’s important to make a connection regardless.

David Fernandez (2020 Treasurer) asks how they will have the difficult conversations that usually come with being a treasurer and talking about finances in general.

Elena: Her biggest strength is being vulnerable with other people. She is social and wants to make people feel comfortable having these types of conversations with her.

Jenna: Try to be as accessible as possible, we have subsidies available, hold as many office hours as possible. 

Caitlin Frazee asks Elena how she sees herself managing her time and other commitments on Board and Jenna how she sees herself managing Board and being DM.

Jenna: she felt like she handled DM and sleader comfortably and was busier this year then she will be in the spring. Wants to get more involved with the band. There have been DMs on board before. Spoke to past treasurers and they said a lot of the work comes in waves and time management is key.

Elena: Really loved being R&R, worked with Koosh doing extra things like with the Wharton summer program. A lot of the work didn’t feel like work because she enjoyed it 

Closing statements:

Jenna: Enjoyed her time on Council and wants to work with the band in a new way. 

Elena: Reinforces her love for the band, wants to make FGLI and low income students feel welcome and comfortable. 


For the first time in this election, we actually have to vote! Because we’re all in attendance via Zoom and not in the Cheeseman, we’re voting using a survey program instead of on paper ballots.

Adam Sherr send out Qualtrics survey for us to vote (it says VP instead of Treasurer, oops...)

*Announcements to kill time*

Jess Conway (2020 President): Toastmaking! Quizzo! Feedback forms! All the amazing Fall semester stuff! Thanks everyone!


Jenna is the next Penn Band treasurer!


Candidates: Lexi Raday and Laila Norford

Bernie proposes nominating Elena for secretary, she declines.


Laila’s Speech:

Strong organization skills and strength connecting with new bandos

Believes the Penn Band does not accurately represent the diversity of the campus

Wants to have implicit bias training as well as a Diversity & Inclusion Chair on Council

Worked with the current board as R&R

We make the Penn Band home for her and wants to make it a home for everyone

Lexi’s Speech:

Enthusiasm and commitment to band and membership 

Organization and communication skills

We’re *fabulous* 

Connection with the Penn Band from the beginning

Very positive NSO experience, enjoys the energy of the group

Fun environment to play saxophone and go to sporting events

Reflects on her time as social chair to make the band community feel connected as well as her responsibilities in her sorority and as a tutor

Will be committed to serving members of the band and the Penn community as secretary


*Ben Sheridan calls for Jess’ impeachment to kick off this portion of the evening* 

Charlotte Cecarelli asks what they can bring to refresh the “cut and dry” position of secretary

Lexi: Continuing the Google Forms with trivia, see what it is like to be a Board member for a day

Laila: Weekly newsletters from the spring and incorporating this into the schedule emails going forward, member submissions, being approachable by reach out to people individually

Caitlin Frazee asks Laila how she will work as a younger voice on Board given that we are looking at an all junior board at this point and Lexi how she will represent younger members of the band.

Laila: No concerns about being heard and respected, worked closely with Adam and Charlotte a lot as R&R and thinks Jenna is great. It’s important to have younger voices on Board too, and as someone who connected with the new members, she is a good rep for them too.

Lexi: Worked with Board closely as a Social Chair so she’s familiar with the dynamic. Empathizing with people and being open to feedback. Reaching out to members young and old.

Miriam Glickman asks them to name three freshmen not in their section.

Laila: Marielle, Lilly, and Hannah

Lexi: Nathan, Sam and Sam (who also have the same last initial…)

*This is a question that is usually asked every year. Although this year everyone’s names are right next to their faces on Zoom!*

Adam asks if they would consider Council involvement you don’t win. Would they want to do the same position or something different?

Laila: Would love to continue as R&R on council, hopefully can do an NSO in person. 

Lexi: *old Board got distracted and didn’t catch this, sorry y’all!*

David Fernandez asks what other time commitments they have on campus and how they would work to make sure that their responsibilities are being met if you’re having a particularly difficult week.

Laila: Thought about the time commitment a lot as an engineer. Spoke to other engineers about junior year, including Chris Urffer who was on Board as an engineer and feels good about being able to do it.

Lexi: In a sorority and does tutoring, 1-2 hours per week each. Uses yoga for stress management. Also feels good about being able to serve on Board.

Walli asks how they plan to get more engagement and interaction with weekly schedule emails. Laila: Streamlining communication: weekly schedule email = place with official info, Discord for more informal stuff. Being consistent with information. 

Lexi: Also agrees with streamlining communication, adding something fun to the end of the email (trivia), emphasizing information during rehearsal

Greer talks while his microphone is muted. Classic. Candidates will now give closing statements.

Lexi: Looks forward to working with the other Board members if given the opportunity

Laila: She see a lot of potential with the job and would love to do it!


Koosh holds up the Horse’s Ass plaque to the camera while Koosh introduces HA with the story of Anthony J. Stagliano. Greer lets us know the two “rules”: It’s Horse’s ass - NOT asshole and whatever is ideally supposed to happen during football season.

Ben Sheridan is nominated by Charlotte Cecarelli for making the fire department come to the band house while cooking pork chops and continuing to eat them as they arrived. (note: this was memed and shared for everyone’s enjoyment during Fall semester)

Unsuccessful nominations: Sars-CoV-2. The University of Pennsylvania for only giving us 8 days notice for changing Fall plans. Bernie for ensuring Koosh got his Lawrence pies. Caitlin’s cat. Miriam’s neighbors.

Secretary count is still not in. The suspense builds. Votes might take weeks to count.

Greer is thinking about his demise:

Wants his remains scattered around campus, but DOES NOT want to be cremated.


Our next secretary is Laila Norford!

That's it! Here’s the 2021 Executive Board:

President: Adam Rose

Vice President: Charlotte Cecarelli

Treasurer: Jenna Pollack

Secretary: Laila Norford

Sunday, November 25, 2018

2018 Elections


Hey its Emily, currently sitting in the Band room, and updating this because Rendy posted on Facebook to do that. Look through the past blog posts from the last ~10 years to get a feel of what happens at Elections! Below is the current slate for our 2018 Elections.  Tomorrow, November 26th, come to the Cheeseman promptly at 6pm (if you have Good Standing) to vote and witness this glorious affair! Reminder that absentee ballots are due by 5pm tomorrow by emailing Greer,

Happy Sunday!

2018 Election Slate
-Jacob Linfesty (C'21)
Vice President
-Aaron Mittleman (C'20)
-Chad Vigil (C'20)
-Nicolas Corona (W'21)
-Adam Rose (C'22)

Monday November 26, 2018-ALMOST TIME FOR ELECTIONS 6:02pm

The room is filling up. Rendy and Urf are giving out ballots and checking people in. The current Executive Board (sans Aaron) will be wearing decorative onesies during elections, get pumped.

The ballots for today are all of the majors of the current Executive Board: computer science for Urf, Biochemistry for Rendy, Economics for Aaron, and...Nursing, Chemistry, Biochemstry (only on the ballot once), Nutrition and Anthropology for Emily....Bandos are currently guessing which of the majors were Emily's. Owen incorrectly guesses 4, but that's okay. We will forgive him.

6:07pm We are starting. Greer denies doing magic because 'this is too serious'.

Okay we are starting with the President. So far the only announced candidate is Jacob. Emily briefly, very briefly says what she does. The President is responsible for running all Board and Council meetings and is the 'face of the Penn Band'.

Greer asks for floor nominations for President. No one is nominated.

Jacob gets to speak!

Jacobs speech:
Since he's not running against anyone right now, he wants to explain his vision for the Band. He wants a stronger Council and a more accessible Board. He wants to have more productive meetings and wants to invite Council members into Board meetings so that they can learn what Board does and Board can learn what Council does. He wants Council members to have more initiative and drive to do what they are supposed to. He also wants to make Council slightly smaller and that people need to take responsibility for their positions and roles. Most importantly, Board needs to be accessible, Emily had office hours where you could talk about Band or one of her 5 majors. Jacob wants ALL Board members to have office hours to increase accessibility. He also wants increased communication with 'hard' decisions. For example, communicating the Cornell roadtrip was slightly lost during football season. Overall, he thinks that Board needs to be driven.

End speech-Great job Jacob!

Greer asks for any questions.

Cathy: How do you plan to cut down on Council size? Cutting positions or single section leaders?
Jacob: It depends, Bernie did a great job with EM and for the sections it depends.

Candace: Woah, what about Low Brass, I think we need 2?
Jacob: Yes definitely, it will depend on the section.

Miriam: What is your management style?
Jacob: I'm not extremely hands-on. With Board, its important to delegate but there is a difference between being too specific. With Council, Board always has to be accessible but they should see projects out to the end.

Ming: What are you other commitments?
Jacob: I am on the Board of Mock Trial and he just finished with it! He's also a tour guide. "I'm ready to go for Band"

Melannie: You're currently a sophomore, how do you plan to work with upperclassmen Council members?
Jacob: He plans to effectively communicate expectations regardless

Richard: How do you handle stress?
Jacob: When he gets fustrated with Mock Trial, he likes to come home to his roommates and talk to them about it. School work he tends to stay on top of it! Go him! He does have to stay in the library late.

Melannie-it's a two part question:
Part I: Board sometimes has to talk about things that you can't talk with other Band members, how do you plan to deal with that?
Part II: You live with three other bandos, how do you plan on separating that?
Jacob: Gave Urf/Aaron as an example and Emily/Zabryna-they separate Board from home life.

6:19pm Okay Greer says no more questions!

Jacob Linfesty is acclaimed as your 2019 Penn Band President! Congrats!

6:19pm Its time for VP

Greer: Aaron what did you do?
Aaron: I wrote shows and helped other Board members.

Greer asks for floor nominations. He first misses Jacob's hand, Jacob nominates Josh Gardos. Josh accepts!

6:20pm Aaron gives his speech!

He thinks that creativity is important, but instead of explaining it, he has a poem for us! He put his name into a speech. All I got was "N" stands for new which I'm not.

His 30 second speech is over!

Josh is now speaking!

The Penn Band has been the best part of his Penn career thus far (he's a freshmen). Josh has been to showwriting and he loves the concept of having shows written and then hearing them while he runs on the field. He ends with a cute joke that he is shorter, younger and has a shorter beard.

That's all.

Emily: Aaron, why aren't you running for President? Josh, why did you wait for a floor nomination?
Aaron: I thought about the needs of each position is very different and this is this one he was more suited for.
Josh: He was intimated before and needed time to think.

Miriam: Showwriting is hard to get people to come to, how will you try to fix that?
Josh: I will reach out to people 1 on 1.
Aaron: I tried to make it a priority and asked what time worked for people-but that didn't really work. He did find that having other events with showwriting helped attendance

Zabryna: Showwriting is supposed to be a collaborative effort, how do you handle getting input from everyone?
Aaron: Having voices means people need to show up. I could improve on feedback after shows to make better shows later.
Josh: He will do his best that everyone's opinions is heard and he won't be mean to people if their ideas are bad.

Rendy: Aaron, how will you work with 3 new people who haven't been on Board and are younger than you? Josh, how will you deal with being one of the youngest people on Board?
Aaron: All of the positions are different and VP is the least hands on. He will give them room to their jobs and not step on toes. During transition period, it would be important to give guidance
Josh: We are adults here, so one or two years is not that much of an issue.

Miriam: What are your other time commitments?
Josh: Has Jazz combos that meets once a week....and band.
Aaron: Has a job that is 8 hours a week. He only needs 10 more classes to graduate so his schedule is looking really light.

Closing statements!
Josh: Thank you for the opportunity.
Aaron: Thanks too. I put a lot of work into the poem.

We are voting on the 'Penn ANTH' part!

We are COUNTING  the votes now - it's rendo now y'all bc Emily went to help count the ballots

There are 50 people here so let's see how this goes. Greer asks about some Villanova game but I kinda zoned about this was discussed in the board meeting today.

Your 2019 Vice President is Aaron Mittleman! Congrats!

6:38pm Rendy tells us what he did as Treasurer! He made a budget and justified it to SAC. He ordered uniforms and collected dues. You should pick a Treasurer who is well organized and trustworthy.

Greer asks for floor nominations, there is none!

Chad Vigil is up!
He begins with 'My Fellow Bandos'. Chad was a transfer student and was a freshmen, twice! He was R&R this past year and he really loved it. He has talked to Emily, Rendy, Laura and Allison. He learned that you must be well organized and his spreadsheet experience from R&R was very helpful! He personally got to know many of the freshmen during R&R which is important because the Treasurer is usually the first line of contact. His biggest priority for Board will be attendance and wants to be approachable and accessible.

Nicolas Corona is up!
The Penn Band was the first group that he tried out for, and yay he made it! When he came to the Penn Band, he had to play Quads on a rickety old set. He really wanted new ones but learned how much money they cost-it's a lot! This year he has managed lots of new bells players, without enough bells. This is why he wants to be Treasurer, he will determine what we buy and will negotiate with SAC for this. As Drumline Section leader, he tries to be accessible and always wants to support new members when they are struggling.

Zabrnya: How will you handle the sensitive conversation about sponsorship/waiving dues?
Chad: I'm a FGLI student so I understand and I will keep confidentiality. He understands the being on the otherside of the conversation and will be happy to trade places
Nicolas: It's all about being accessible. He really likes Jacob's idea of having more office hours and we will always be here to help.

Melannie: Can you name 5 freshmen not in your section?
Nicolas: Iman, Jessica, Miles, Adam, Morgan
Chad: Anjali, Leah, Miles, Brian, Cami
They both did it!

Noah: How did being R&R prepare you for being treasurer?
Chad: He was really able to identity with freshmen and will carry that.
Nicolas: (speaking about being section leader) Being section leader is a microcosmic of what you have to do for Board (nice quote!). Running drumline is basically like running a mini band.

Christina: Do either have you have experience working with SAC and if not how will you learn?
Nicolas: Does not have experience, but he knows what it stands for. Nicolas and Chad both say 'Student Activity Council'. He has experience with the business office.
Chad: Does not have experience either but will rely on the transition period and ask Rendy/Emily for help.

Rendy: Why do you want to be on Board? Why Treasurer specifically?
Chad: R&R was so rewarding so he really wants to continue to his work. Treasurer seems like an upgraded R&R because its similar skills.
Nicolas: He wanted to run because of how much of an impact Board had an impact on him. He does not drink and he really liked how the band accepts him/anyone regardless of social preferences. He thinks that this will be an extension of being section leader

Melannie: Nicolas, you have another year-will you run next year? If you don't get this, what will do?
Nicolas: I would consider running again, but I don't know what my life will look like in the future.
Chad: I won't drop down if I don't get this, because I think that this is the position I am best suited for.

Megan: You're both taking classes that are high stress-can you give of example of when you deal with high stress and how you dealt with it?
Chad: At the beginning of the year, the chops were really light so there was lots of pressure to do that in the beginning of the year.
Nicolas: He is a TA for CIS120 and he had an assignment to grade the week of Homecoming. He worked with Jackson to help him with all drumline responsibilities such as copying and carrying drums.

There's some question about uniforms, but we're not sure exactly what the question was. Chad & Nicolas probably aren't going to get us new uniforms because we just got them.

Closing statements!
Nicolas: His experience makes him well suited and he's excited for the opportunity. He loves the Penn Band!
Chad: He wants to say thank you for the opportunity and for accepting him into this community.

It's time to vote! We are voting on the 'biochemistry' one because Rendy is a biochem major! Yay.

7:06pm its time for announcements and stories. Emily does a lame announcement and just asks for everyone to read the emails. DM's announce CA auditions. Richard is telling a fun story from the Eagles game...he ran into the Penn cheerleading coach at the game!

7:07pm time for results!

Chad Vigil is your 2019 Penn Band Treasurer! Congrats!

7:08 it's Urf's turn! His job is to make forms, emails, good standing and basically LOTS of bookkeeping. (Let the record show he said "Fun fact, I have no first name. My job as treasurer was.....")

Greer asks for floor nominations

Cathy Zhang nominates Jessica Conway, she accepts.
Christina Nordrum nominates Caitlin Frazee, she accepts.
Zabryna nominates Nicolas Corona, he accepts.

Floor nominations are closed! We have 4 candidates!

It's time for speeches.

It's Adam Rose's turn to speak!
Adam is from Boston and where he is from, marching band is not really a thing. He was a theater kid and didn't really do football or lacrosse (which was the big thing in Boston). (Let the record show that he called us all musicians) He knew 2 years ago that he wanted to be in the Penn Band. He waited to put his name down to run because he wasn't sure he could do this. He wanted to be someone that we could all trust. He's talked to Emily, Urf, Zabryna, Renee, etc. and he asked if he would be the best-some of us said yes, some said no. He's really happy in the band and he is ready to pass down to the next band members. He wants to have 100 people in good standing (admits that won't happen). He believes he has experience and a fresh perspective on the band.

It's Jessica Conway's turn to speak! (she corrects her mispelled name on the Board)
She's running off the floor, but she has been thinking about running. She read through the blogs and read about what the secretary needs to do and she has the excitement and passion. She has great attendance and has been to every home game, basketball game and has only missed 1 rehearsal because she overslept from a nap. She has ideas to improve the position. In high school, when she started there was no band but by the time she graduated she was Drum Major, clarinet section leader and had various other positions. From this experience, she thinks that too many google forms that get lost and wants to send out rosters more often. She wants to be at everything and wants to contribute more to the band!

It's Caitlin Frazee's turn to speak!
She wasn't planning on running until 20 minutes ago but has been thinking about it. She thought about waiting a year or two, but this is the only club she is in! She mentioned that is an all-male board and she thinks that its important to have different perspectives. She loves the current Board. She loves how you get to know freshmen to seniors in the band and she likes the idea of secretary because she gets to take attendance. She has experience with this from high school. She comes to basically everything too.

Emily: I'm the only female with 6 males, how do you plan on dealing with being freshmen females on board? Boys, how will you get female perspective?

Nicolas: He would concerned about not having a female preference and qualifications should take preference. Instrument diversity is also important
Caitlin: Girls might not be comfortable going to male Board members so she wants to be the open person.
Jessica: She's not particularly worried about it, she has been in mostly male groups before.
Adam: These are elected positions so we all have a say. If this is an all male board, we should all be comfortable going up to them. He grew up with 3 older sisters!

Noah: @Nicolas, you are the only non-freshmen, how do you think that extra year of experience will help?

Nicolas: Chad is the freshmen on board now (well you get the point if you read before). He has lots of experience writing emails and has experience at Penn and within Band.
Jessica: I didn't sign up before to leave room for my elders. She thinks she can bring a different 'fresh' perspective
Cailtin: Also didn't put her name down because she's a freshman and was unsure if we really wanted a freshman on Board.
Adam: He applauds current board for being mature (please note that 3/4 of us are wearing onesies right now but we get the sentiment). The current 'old' Board was good for this year but going forward we should have a younger Board because we are a younger Band!

Melannie: If you have more years of Board eligibility, would you run again if you don't get it? What will you do next year?

Caitlin: If I'm not secretary, I'm going to apply for Council, probably R&R. Would probably run again in the future.
Jessica: Will help anyway she can, might apply to be Travel Manager or section leader. Will help anyway she can get her hands in.
Adam: He wants to start to give back to our community. If not elected, he will continue to pursue Council positions, maybe R&R or Low Brass sleader. He would consider running again.
Nicolas: He would be open running again. He doesn't think he will apply for Drumline section leader to give others the chance to do it.

Urf (current secretary): You might have to make an announcement to the Band that people won't like. What part of the job now would you want to improve?

Jessica: Wants to fix so you can 'see' if you filled out the form. Try to minimize sending multiple emails because things get lost.
Adam: Agrees about the roster. Sparked the idea about tough decisions, he will explain things. He really liked how we had a face to face for Cornell. Also likes the Office Hours idea (good job Jacob). He likes talking to people in person over emails
Nicolas: When we canceled Cornell, drumline people went to Nicolas and he did not have the information to give them an appropriate answer. People didn't want to reach out to Board, so he would improve on with secretary and really open up by replying to secretary
Cailtin: Agrees with everything thus far. Key here is 'transparency'. As a freshmen, lots of things were overwhelming and Good standing was glossed over too quickly.
-Jessica wants to come back to tough decisions: Thinks that adults are good for giving tough decisions.

Candace Morff: She knows that Board is a lot of work and you have to make tough decisions, you guys are all young. How do you foresee yourself maintaining the enthusiasm you currently have?

Adam: Talked to previous secretaries and its important to ask for help when needed. We shouldn't be ashamed to reach out for help.
Nicolas: He doesn't see the job to be a burden. He LOVES writing emails.
Caitlin: She has some school work to do, but Band has been the happy area. Doing more work with this stuff, she found it to be more rewarding. We are all human!
Jessica: there are others around you on Board/Council who can help out.She has the most free time now since elementary school, so she has the time.

Zabryna: She didn't know how the job was very tedious and computer based, how will you learn?

Nicolas: I'm a TA for CIS120. Everything is on spreadsheets and I know how to code.
Caitlin: She has spreadsheet experience from high school.
Jessica: Also has experience with google sheets and is very comfortable with it.
Adam: Previously did more music and "will never touch CIS". He will be able to pick it up

NO MORE QUESTIONS. Time for closing statements

Nicolas: He will also be a great secretary. We have youthful influence from Chad and we do have female CA's/DMs.
Caitlin: You should not vote for me or Jessica just because they are girls. Has experience with this type of work and just loves seeing us.
Jessica: She would love to put in the work and is willing and able to everything.
Adam: Put your trust in me, I can do it. Wants to interact with next generation of bandos.

Its time to vote-we are voting on the Nursing ticket. Current Board reminds everyone not to destroy their ballots.

7:48pm its time to start Horse's Ass. Greer is telling us the origins from 1965.

tldr; a bass drummer tackled a football player.

Now we are taking nominees!

Jacob nominates Josh and Hackett for waking up late for Princeton and still making it.
Christina nominates Candace for leadin a second succession.
Low Brass nominates whoever left a bloody mouthpiece on a tuba
Zabryna nominates Emily Elenio for her state of mind during Hey Day and for tackling Greer Cheeseman during Hey Day.

Lots of other people but they aren't on the Board.

7:59pm votes are in and there's a run off between Nicolas Corona and Jessica Conway!

We are voting on the Engineering ballot!

8:05pm Rendy is telling a very long story about his flight.

Votes are in.....Jessica Conway is your 2019 Secretary! 

That's it your 2019 Executive Board is:
President: Jacob Linfesty
Vice President: Aaron Mittleman
Treasurer: Chad Vigil 
Secretary: Jessica Conway

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

2018 Elections 2: Electric Boogaloo

The Candidates for our Special Election for Secretary are:
Jacob Linfesty (C'21)
Christopher Urffer (E'19)
Candace Morff (C'19)
Miriam Glickman (E'21)

its 3:37pm and 3/4 of the current 2018 Penn Band Board are getting ready for our Special Election.

Check out @PBDecides for humorous commentary on the election

Check out this blog for ~detailed~ notes on the election. Check out past election blogs too! Educate yourself!

3:42pm-"Do you think I can go to the bathroom in my onesie?"-Rendy

4:04pm-Rendy made a rogue (rouge) google doc blog. Not only is he wearing a squirrel onesie, he's also an imposter. #impeach

update it is a flying squirrel onesie

4:47pm, hats are out, couch is in place, we are ready

5:04pm-people are beginning to trickle in.

5:07pm-Adam is reading the rules. What rules? Today we have 4 candidates, to win you must receive 19 votes.

5:08pm Greer barely considers floor nominations.

Miriam is up first!
When she joined band, she didn't think that the Penn Band would be something she really came to alot. She has been listening to the Band spotify playlist and has read the band website lots of times. AS music manager, she has spent SO much time with the copier and realized how much we are all always willing to help. Why should you pick Miriam? She has lots of experience from being secretary of National Honors Society in high school and has experience with google spreadsheets and really wants you to pick her!

Jacob is up! He is also a freshmen. He's found a place here in the band. After, hanging out with the saxes one morning, we joked that we thought he was going to quit the band. Since then, he's really enjoyed being in the band. He really wants to give back to the band. He spoke to Zabryna and she said that the most important opinion is voicing your opinion. He is friends with the other three saxes on board (woohoo) and he thinks he can really voice his opinion well. He can also use excel!

Whoops sorry for the delay-had to run to our video of lovely Candace Morff who sent in a video because she is currently in Berlin!!

Urf thinks that immaculate attendance is extremely important. He has gone to EVERYTHING and went on ALL the roadtrips. He think he is the most qualified candidate for the position of secretary and has a "new level of mastery" from keeping track of the social budget. He has learned from his mentors the importance of book keeping. He does band study now, which means going through a HUGE AMOUNT OF TABS. He thinks its not that much more than his already high level of attendance. *and that is it, shuts laptop*

on to questions!

Renee will be calling Candace because she is in Germany. Greer has asked that we talk among ourselves.

5:21pm Jackie asked, if you talked to previous secretaries what was the biggest take away?
Urf: voice your opinion and management skills
Jacob: the big thing is being with three saxes, is he might need to disagree/agree with us
Miriam: it's a huge time commitment, its not hard, its just alot of work! Its a thankless job, but that's okay
Candace: She spoke with Zabryna, biggest take away being secretary isn't a joke and needs to be taken seriously. Its very important for how the band functions.

Jeanette asks, why are you running now instead of last semester?
Urf: Last semester, he didn't know his schedule before, now he does
Jacob: thought about running, but was worried about overlapping with going abroad, so he made a video about it!
Miriam: Realized it 2 months after elections, she realized she wanted to be on Board and started to talk to other Board members and realized its for her.
Candace: she didn't run last semester that she was going to be abroad.

John San Soucie asks "you are on Board, and you have to go to 3 athletics events in the same day, and our members have other things to do. We have to figure out who can/can't go, how to rely on alumni-how do you approach it?"

Jacob: consider what you can/cannot get to.
Candace: admits its a hard question-choose the event that is the most important. Depends on how many people are able to show up exactly.
Chris Urf: Prioritize the events where you have the most visibility and the most positive visibility. Push everyone to go to everything, but count on people you know are going to show up and push the important ones.
Miriam: Also agrees on visibility. Biggest thing that 3 events is impossible in one day and taking the event that's the least visibility.

Rendy: Me, Rendy and Aaron are all strongly opinated, how will you fit in us?

Jacob: it can be important for a leader, the new secretary doesn't need to have an opinion that super far out there. He thinks its valid sometimes to just support the other people.
Miriam: Is not the strongest opinionated person, but if she has one, she will say it. Sometimes it is more about listening. Follows her gut.
Candace: She was worried about it and talked to Zabryna. She is soft spoken at times, when she sees that people are really passionate she will let them shine. With band problems, it is important to see all sides of the issue and luckily she likes to be the devil's advocate.
Urf: He likes to think of himself as a mediator. He will shut down bad ideas right away.

Koosh-what is the band's purpose?
Urf: thinks we need to bring ENERGY to the campus and for other student groups on campus. We play at NSO! We do it to make people excited!
Jacob: 2 ways to look at it. Being in the band, its a place for us to have fun and its safe-that's the purpose for us. The second is what Urf said, its being at the games and standing!  "set the mood for the event"
Miriam: We are the heart and soul of spirit, people see us standing up and get excited with us.
Candace: Personally, the band's mission externally is promote school spirit on campus and represent the school. Internally, the mission is to create a family. Always keep in mind the organization of the school and obligation to perform at events.

Jenna-This is the most important job regarding attendance, how do your semesters look like next semester?
Jacob: Is also on board for Mock Trial.  He is coordinating all of the stuff now, but it could be a conflict but most of the work is before September. He thinks he has had good attendance.
Candace: She loves coming to all band events, there are unpredictable things that come up but with some extra planning she can come to more than she already does. She was going to botany from 12-5 on Fridays but now she might.
MiriamL is also in a sorority and in engineering so she takes 4-5 classes. Right now she only has 4.5 classes and her Fridays and Mondays are open!
Urf: I feel obligated to come to everything because he will be holding down the tuba section! He has class 12-4pm all day, that's it!

Renee asks, as former secretary things can get kinda boring. You send forms, emails, etc., what do you think you bring to board that's special?
Candace: She likes to think that she is funny and sees the best in things all the time. She likes to do the same thing over and over again .
Urf: He also does the same thing over and over again with band study. What he brings to board is different than the secretary position. He can convey the needs of the low brass, which is a very diverse position. He can do repetitive tasks really well (just crank up the music).
Miriam: She enjoys repetitive tasks and sees it as relaxing. Miriam is also perky and kinda funny. No matter what happens she can find a way to joke about it.
Jacob: Again he thinks bringing something to board is different than secretary. As a board member, he wants to work on bringing more freshmen to the band. He was only freshmen in the sax section and wants to work on getting specifically freshmen.

Melannie asks, if you don't get elected, will that change anything? For the other 2 freshmen, if you aren't elected will you run again in the fall?
Miriam: She will probably run in the fall and will continue as MM
Jacob: If he isn't elected, he will stay as sax sleader. Next fall, he feels passionately about recruiting freshmen. He does plan on running for board next semester
Urf: He plans on doing everything that he has been doing anyways. He wants to step up dry events in the social sphere.
Candace: She will continue to be LB SL and will miss it if elected.

Matt brings up the ALL SAX BOARD POTENTIAL.

Jacob: He says that past boards have been friends before and it should work. Also he will pledge to learn trumpet if he is elected just like David.

Matt what about getting feedback from other sections?
Jacob: He thinks that at Council meetings we can increase efficiency, and specifically talk about decisions that Board make. Make council meetings more about long term plans. Additionally, just overall getting more feedback.

Ben: list a strength and weakness of how you deal with stress.
Candace: Biggest weakness is that she ignores her stress which doesn't help her at all. When she does deal with it, she contains it within herself and doesn't ruin everyone else's day.
Urf: When Urf is stressed, he gets much more efficient and less goofy. Downside, he lets it build longer than he should.
Jacob: For strength, he stays on top of his work and rarely falls behind. When he does get behind, he just wants to do it his way which can be bad in small groups.
Miriam: As soon as she feels stress, she buckles down and does her work. Get started right away and does work.


Urf really wants to be secretary. He has the skills and attendance. He will enjoy it alot and be here either way.
Candace would do her absolute best. (oh no the phone cut out)
Jacob really has enjoyed this semester and being section leader. He wants to get even more involved!
Miriam really appreciated everything that has happened this year. She will get all of her work done!

5:50pm its time to vote! Woohoo

Greer denies Emily's request to have a second round of voting for Horse's Ass even though the first one wasn't band related.

Renee wants to start story time. She is telling a story.

5:57pm we have moved onto the second round of voting. The candidates remaining are:
Christopher Urffer
Candace Morff
Miriam Glickman

Congrats to Chris Urffer on becoming our new secretary!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Elections 2017: featuring NEW COLORFUL COMMENTARY!

5:33 PM: Renee realizes that she can't collaboratively edit a post. so ANARCHY!

5:34 PM: has renee been paying attention to the board meeting? arguable tbh.
renee thinks this is what being a lame duck president is like. except shes not president. so whelp.

5:36 PM: board discusses playing Saturday morning of fling. we're all going to join samba. GOOD LUCK WITH THIS MESS NEW BOARD

joshua echoes softly from the cheeseman. not softly. very, VERY loudly.
david: "haters will say its fake"

5:38 PM: renee sits down at the press table for the first time. her butt nestles comfortably into the shitty band room chairs. she feels like shes in a dream she didn't remember having.... shes... home at last.....

5:39 PM: JSS begins playing cantina band. this isn't BONEGIVING gosh darn it.

theres like 5 people in the band room rn. what a squad.
Greer: "guys.... stop" yes please. seconded.

5:41 PM: THE PRESS HATS ARE HERE. my head feels so comfortable. it was the uniform I was born to wear. 
emily decides to cut JSS out of the hat crew. thats what you get for hogging the twitter. I CAN'T BE TAMED.

5:42 PM: koosh - don't get too comfortable! we're going to clear the room and check you all in! wow we're so ~exclusive~

5:44 PM: koosh "when it came down, it came down. no fucking around, it was joshua" re coordination among old chops for playing joshua and not sounding "like shit". i'm calling bullshit, I love the echoes of joshua that emanate to through the band room on a daily basis. i'd call it music to my ears, but that might be a stretch.

5:47 PM: john mcgahay walks in with a slide whistle. this is what happens when you don't get good standing folks.

5:48 PM: ben takes a shitty picture of renee and emily in the hats. 

FOLLOR4FOLLOW @pbdecides. but this blog will better just sayin.
jss reminds jenna that the penn band is not her home. cruel.

5:50 PM: aaron walks in in a suit! SO H*CKIN DAPPER! suit updates: he has a purple tie. and a sick watch. red lining on the inside of the suit? his shoes are very shiny too.
jss is telling me about his sweet and sour chicken. i care so much.

5:56 PM: renee is mocked for taking a selfie. fair. jss is still in search of rendy's twitter.

5:51 PM: everyone is kicked out. SWEET SWEET SILENCE! hahaha jk that's a fuckin lie.

5:52 PM: renee is convinced no one is reading the blog. if you read this, give me a hug at the end and whisper "i care" softly into my ear

5:53 PM: ben misremembers lord glozions board position. so washed up.

5:56 PM: renee put the last comment in the wrong place whoops. ming says hes excited! i am too pal! miriam says she read 2 of the past years election, go you.

5:59 PM: jackson accuses me of not following him back on twitter. I DON'T HAVE A TWITTER I JUST HAVE A BLOG

6:00 PM: def not everyone is here. i can hear aaron explaining how we can (painfully) extend this election by dissenting every vote. how about..... no

6:01 PM: ming takes a staged photo of us blogging...... but all you behind the scenes readers will know I was ACTUALLY BLOGGING DURING IT MUAHAHAHA

6:01 PM: emily is nervous, so renee volunteers as the voice of the people. 
cathy to john "are you running for something?" john: "no!"
nick corona has a new haircut (i think). if you're reading this confirm or deny. or maybe i just didn't see you for a few days, if so sorry pal.

6:03 PM: the line at the door is LORGE! it's almost as big as my dog.
more fashion commentary: i like ana's poncho.
koosh asks who doesn't have a ballot. board dissents. he SHUNS us. rude.
nick cru gives me a donut. ily

6:05 PM nick cru "this has the potential to be quick" wouldn't that be nice, but I believe in the band's power of shenanigans.

6:07 PM: whoever said the press was dying in america was a damn fool.

6:09 PM: nice.

but actually laura begins announcement.

emily whispers "last job as treasurer"
emma hypes the fanfare event. also a good cause! candace is dying of laughter. GIRL LISTEN!!!!!

laura hypes council. emily and renee WOOOOOO. it was very dissonant, nick cru says it was a perfect tritone. i have no idea what that means.
open council meeting december fourth. be there or be square!

richard announces shake shack quizzo. NICE. social calendar! good things! 

6:13 PM: greer asks if theres any questions. richard: "any ducks?"
greer: "laura what do you do" laura: "everything?" she said other stuff but i didn't hear cuz it was too quiet. 

olivia makes a sassy comment abut not being able to make nominations from the floor cuz we're sitting. 

emily's speech begins!
serving as treasurer was an honor. 
she got to know herself and many other people better!
she realized she wanted a board position after the 2016 election (not band). cheesy bread followed. band rom was a happy place! 
emily is here way more than she probably should be (tru)
her goal is to make everyone feel safe! she's also bought an unhealthy amount of oreos (is that safe though?)
previous pres have promised to open up communication, she will too. "band is family"
but also, "it's just band" and "band is a safe place"
games are important, but she's been humbled as well. work together as a family, and we can be better! 
top down - happier board, happier band. sounds corny, but tru.


questions now! 
laura: she wants to know your strategy for approaching her duties and fulfilling her vision.
emily..... so your question is what am i going to do as president?
laura: no, how are you going to lean on other leadership bodies.
emily: she already works with a lot of council positions. 

jackie: did you talk to previous presidents?
emily: yes! and she learned how to control burnout. 

ben: you will get a lot of complaints. 
emily: yup I already do. she can tell the difference between friends complaining and real issues. she will continue to work on it. 

jss: how to pick bandos for a plane. how to handle uncertainty?
emily: service, instrumentation, and seniority. we spent a while doing this for LA! 

renee asks an easy question which is apparently not easy.
emily says the cheesy bread thing again! 

emily is acclaimed. greer: "i guess you're it!"

greer: "john, what do you do!" emily immediately takes over the twitter. 
jss: " to the greater penn community, the vp is the most important position." board worries about a lot of things, ie. making sure ppl get fed. but the shows!!!!!

cathy nominates hannah and then immediately rescinds it.

aaron speaks! jackie yells how sharp he is. HE HITS THE DAB!
jackson: "have my babies"

aaron wonders what words will be moving enough for acclimation. he quotes squidward. GOOOOOOOOOOOOD. 
he references the japanese word for grits and im sad i missed it. 
he wants us to pretend he's a fireman. 

emily gives him a standing ovation. 

jackie: did u talk to previous vps
aaron: no but he lives in the same house.

he wont tell us his favorite joke. or his worst joke. 
jk there's a knock knock joke and its real bad. 

olivia: favorite nic cage character?
aaron: con air. right answer.

jss has a real question. what are you gonna do to improve the band when it's not football season?
aaron: working with the rest of board. 

emily: who is our audience
aaron: we can't control that.

renee: how will you handle being censored?
aaron: we've already had to do that, but you can write funny shows that are appropriate.

spencer: will you ever do the triangle show again

jenna: how to communicate well with DMs.
aaron: having the DMs there is important! shoutout to richard. and starting in advance. 

richard: asks if aaron will try to slide into the dms.
aaron silently shakes his head in disgust.

aaron is acclaimed! YAY AARON!!!!! greer: "you're stuck with it"

next is treasurer! you write a long budget for sac. they sometimes give you money. then semi. then uniforms and dues and more. need to be meticulous and willing to do work on your own.

aaron gives a shoutout to rendall. ryan is nominated but denies.

rendy speaks! hsssssss
"its great to see everyone back from break" aaron "you too"
band has had a big impact on rendy's life. like meeting AJ? 
he joined has a sophomore, he THINKS jk knows that its a group he could love.
he wants to be treasurer because he loves money. #wharton. the crowd hisses. he eats money, only snacks on it. he cried in second grade when he found out money trees aren't real and this is motivating his speech.
he's willing to work dilligently!

jackie asks the same question
rendy says that talking to emily helped a lot. 

emily talks about having those tough conversations. how will you handle that? 
rendy says establishing trust in board is important. 

ben: name 5 freshman that aren't in your section
rendy: he does i think?

renee: what made you change your mind?
rendy: talking to emily and koosh! you have more leeway with your schedule.

candace: who would take your place
rendy: that's a depressing question

aaron: isn't the real treasure the friendships we made along the way.

david asks about band pants. emily assures that you do. but actually how do you make sure people get uniforms that fit.
rendy wil work on it.

rendy has experience working with SAC and friends on there! nice.

olivia wonders how rendy will do being cold blooded at band events in the winter.

ben: give an example of accepting when everyone else is wrong but implementing it
rendy: when people say taylor swift sucks!

ming: how to keep people who find paying dues atypical.
rendy: don't single anyone out, establish trust. seem approachable. 

we seem to have acclaimed. opposed? a small hiss.

renee does things ! she was almost forgotten.

zabryna's video plays. 
apparently both her and rendy didn't want to join band as freshman. WOW.
she does things like CAs and sleader.
she thinks that the technical stuff of being secretary is less important than contributing your voice on board - as secretary some concern its literally all technical.

jackie: have you talked to previous people.
zabryna: she talked to me. 

max: where are you
zabryna: buenos aires!

ben: how are you going to adjust to getting back into board.
zabryna: shes got time to prep! 

laura: notes that everyone else is a sax.
how will you deal with that and make sure everyone else is heard
zabryna: she lives with them so shes experienced! 

renee: name 5 freshman who aren't in your section
jk: what's your plan for getting to know everyone when you get back?
zabryna says shes friendly! say hi!

emily asks about also being DM and the relationship board should have with conduct.
zabryna: she thinks that she could add a new perspective on board

nick: have you considered becoming a sax
zabryna nopes the fuck out.

jss: everyone in band has a unique perspective. what's the bands mission?
zabryna: foster a community of individuals and make it a space for people who want to be here casually too! within penn, we want to represent the penn community. 

ben: scotts middle name?
greer: good question, not fair.

jeanette: how will you deal with half of board living together? aka compartmentalization.
zabryna: emily and her wouldn't take things home. 

we done. she's acclaimed! ya did it zabryna!!!!!!

renee announces her exhibit. come see it! you'll hear about it again!
emilys giving wristbands so if you're not 21 you can come. candace: "sounds like our president"
jenna: CA auditions are in 2 weeks. 
cathy: globemed sweater sale!!!!
nik: drumline game of assassin! they have become too close and want no more friendship. it's for operation santa claus. i can't get more kids but i can get more money (HSSSSSS)

candace wants to know if we can interview him like board elections.
there's a real time google doc apparently. 

nick cru: he swing dances! who knew! be louder than sig nu! beta alpha nu delta rules.
steven: jazz combos is also next thursday! food again. 


wonder who it will be. 
scott what's the difference? he shrugs.

greer says some history stuff. who cares. basically its for something notorious
emily nominates ben, shocker. renee nominates adam.

aaron nominates the cornell bando who pulls the fire alarm. nick cru also 
jss nominates the chop section for joshuaing band march
richard nominates the mellophone section.
hannah nominates cumb.
kyle nominates trevor and emily for stealing the hillel sign

greer will count these votes eventually. your options are ben, adam, chops, mellos, and emily/trevor.
jss you can say its for anti-semitism. emily- i love jews!


john mcgahay slide whistles us out. amazing. 

Elections 2017

3:56:37pm: Testing testing-how the hell does this blog work?
Anyways testing testing because the Penn Band will decide its 4 newest Bored members in just 2 hours and 3 minutes!

4:55:47pm-we have figured out how to properly use this. Go Old Board!

5:27pm Renee Lynn Hastings is about to configure her account for "Blogger". Get ready for the junior board trio to rock this blog <3


we love each other

shoutout to JSS who won't relinquish the PBdecides twitter so we are restricted to this "antiquated" blog

5:36pm my last board meeting as treasurer is winding down. I am not sure what is happening. I want chinese food tbh

Jeanette Freeman and I did a joint blog last year about about our ice cream diet. it was pretty lit.

5:59pm hello friends I am back, Koosh just yelled at me over canned foods, the room is starting to fill up with bandos. The ballot theme this year is "Disney Characters"-no this was not my idea but instead our lovely President-Laura Kuder.

Renee: all of my thoughts are on the internet
Emily: I can't because I am nervous
Renee: It's okay I will be the voice of the people.

Overhears Cathy asking John M. if he is running for anything....John denies but stay tuned for what John will do later in the night....

Literally half of the room is eating chinese food, and I am hungry. Someone send help, or chinese food.
Confirmed sighting: John M. has a slide whistle

6:04pm: Koosh has yelled at the Press Board group for not having ballots. Koosh we need to inform the people and be voting members. Give us a break

Scott: Fuck off
#FourTimesForHorsesAss ?

6:06:45pm JSS did not mention me on @PBDecides for blogging credit. I am hurt.

Laura is talking about announcements for the week-nice!

6:13pm Greer gets up to speak, there are rules....
Laura is telling the band what she does
Laura: "everything"
She doesn't have specific jobs,, she does lots of emails and stuff

Hey hey Hey Emily is back

Emily is your 2017-2018 President by acclimation 

6:29pm Aaron is speaking now
Squidward ...something about firemen and WHAT IT MEANS TO BE IN A MARCHING BAND. "anyone can find our purpose or what that Japanese word for grit means"
Aaron wants to come remotely close ....Aaron wants us to think of him as a firemen

Jackie: have you met with a past VP?
Aaron: No but I live with him

Hannah: tell us your best joke
Aaaron: Weell its the aristocrats and it has a lot of curse words so I can't

Olive: Fav Nick Cage character?
Aaron: something from Con Air

JSS: He has the real don't do much except write shows, what are you going to do within those 8 months?
Aaron: A big part was "being there when board can't".

Emily: Who is our audience?
Aaron: We don't know because we don't know we can buy a ticket to our game. We have such a presence so its really the entire community.

Renee: There's a discrepancy between what we think is funny and then what we can say. What are you going to do if we write something great and then it gets shot down?
Aaron: It's definitely happened in the past (this year with Brown) so its definitely possible to rewrite that quickly. We just gotta work to gather

Jenna: Working with will he be the best at communicating ?
Aaron: Having the DMs there from the beginning. Shoutout to Richard who comes to Showriting!

Greer-okay we are done. Jk okay Richard?

Richard: We have 3 Dm's are you ever going to try to slide into us?

Again we can vote or acclaim....
We acclaim Aaron!

Aaron Mittleman is our new Vice President

Emily talks about the importance of bookkeeping as treasurer.

Melanie nominates Ryan, Ryan declines.

Rendy gets up to speak
Rendy realized today that the Penn Band has meant so much to me. Band was important to him in high school but its a lot different here. That's why he didn't join until his sophomore year. Once he joined he realized that it could grow to be a group he loves-and it has (yay us). He is running because he wants to continue the hard work that Emily did and he really loves money. He dreams and eats money.....(Emily is freaking out). He made a money tree in second grade and cried when dollar bills didn't grow from it. He thinks he is pretty good at asking people for money. He has compared himself to Mona from Parks and Rec (Note: The Office is much better). On a serious note: he is willing to work really hard for us.

Jackie: Has he talked to previous treasurers?
Rendy: Yeah I talked to Emily and we talked about the time commitment

Emily: This year especially has good for helping people with dues/semi. How are you going to have those conversations and establish privacy?
Rendy: Establishing trust-we need to be private and that only Rendy will know about it!

Ben: Name 5 freshmen not in your section
Rendy: Ryan, Kevin, Saloni, Matt F., Melannie Jay

Renee: We are both biochem #goyouguys! How are you going to balance school and dental school interviews?
Rendy: Again he spoke to Em and has gone over the time commitment with him.

David: Band pants disaster-he never had band pants that didn't fit well and he just got better ones!
Rendy: I'm pretty organized and I will do my best

Cathy: do you have any experience with working with SAC?
Rendy: Yep I have with other groups. I also have friends on SAC

Olivia: I know that snakes are cold blooded-how are you going to work through coming to band in the winter?
Rendy declines to answer

Ben: Sometimes on Board you guys make decisions that you might not agree with. What will you do if that happens? Or okay give an example?
Rendy: I mean everyone thinks taylor swift sucks and I don't

Okay voting by acclimation.

Rendy Fernandez is our new Treasurer! 

Ben nominates Spencer Fox
Spencer: FUCK NO

Only nominee is Zabryna who is one is nominated

Greer forgot to ask Renee what she did
Renee-writes lots of emails, links that no one clicks and SHE WORKS WITH EVERYONE

Ben: RENEE-do you take attendance?
Renee: shit yeah I do

Video of Zabs plays

She misses making chaos and noise (they are the same?)
She is introducing herself from across the globe.
She wriggles into band pants that don't fit.
She was sleader of the mighty chop section and that she was also CA.
She feels that technical skills are the least important: ITS ALL ABOUT FAMILY. we need to propel the band forward.

Jackie: Did you talk to previous secretaries?
Zabs: She spoke to Renee and explained her duties and roles-what was most challenging and sustaining communication?

Max: Where are you?
Zabs: Argentina!

Jackson: Why is the file name Zabs
Zabs: ask emily

Ben: Coming back from abroad isn't always easy...coming to board might not be easy?
Zabs: She was challenged in other ways and is mentally ready to tackle Penn!!!!!!

Laura: So the rest of the board members are all SAXES!!!!!! will that be a problem ?
Zabs: I have experience with them: I LIVE WITH TWO OF THEM (yay Candace and em)
She will speak to other sections

Actualy question: one of the most important things was taking attendance and knowing EVERYONE!!!!! how will you get to know everyone?
Zabs: I'm real social and can go out and say hi ! Feel free to say hi.

Emily: How do you feel about DM & board? Are you gonna do both?
Zabs: She wants to audition for DM in the future and she wants to maintain both. Board and DM have different duties.

Nick: Have you considered becoming a saxophone?
Zabs: she is true and true brass!!!!

JSS: everyone in the band has a unique perspective and as an organization we have to think what we want to focus on. What is our mission?
Z: Band's purpose is to foster a community of individuals. Within the band itself so everyone feels included and make band a family (take a shot) and also so people can just play music! Broader...within Penn represent Penn community so you don't get swooped up and actively showing the Pride and love of Penn.


Ben: What is Scott's middle name?
Zabs: I don't know......

Greer: trick question not fair

Jeanette: HI talked about potential of DM and Board...can you compartmentalize? You would have half of board living together?
Z: being able to separate board duties and living together with Em?
Em and I would have a good understand and not to take things outside. This is our duty its not personal ever.

Ben motions to acclaim

Zabryna is our new secretary! 

Back to announcements!!!

come to Renee's exhibit on Wednesday at 5:30pm!
(come support her she is great and there will be food and wine!)


Emily announces musical bingo at Tap House...she is give out wristbands for the extended Happy Hour (GREERMUFFS).

6:58pm we have one more important vote: its for Horse's ass NOT an asshole-whats the difference Scott?
Scott: Ehhhh???

Scott has won it three times
Greer has twice

its for services that are "untorn"

It all started from AJ who tackled some guy....

Emily nominates Ben Parker for replying all to 20,000 people
Greer rejects this because it wasn't band related

Renee nominates Adam for not locking the listserv

Emily nominates the chops for the freaking fight on stinger
JSS nominates the chops for playing Joshua
Nick nominates the mellos for succeeding
Kyle last minute nominates Emily and Trevor for stealing the Hillel sign from Brown.....

options are:
The chops
Emily & Trevor for the sign