3:56:37pm: Testing testing-how the hell does this blog work?
Anyways testing testing because the Penn Band will decide its 4 newest Bored members in just 2 hours and 3 minutes!
4:55:47pm-we have figured out how to properly use this. Go Old Board!
5:27pm Renee Lynn Hastings is about to configure her account for "Blogger". Get ready for the junior board trio to rock this blog <3
we love each other
shoutout to JSS who won't relinquish the PBdecides twitter so we are restricted to this "antiquated" blog
5:36pm my last board meeting as treasurer is winding down. I am not sure what is happening. I want chinese food tbh
Jeanette Freeman and I did a joint blog last year about about our ice cream diet. it was pretty lit.
5:59pm hello friends I am back, Koosh just yelled at me over canned foods, the room is starting to fill up with bandos. The ballot theme this year is "Disney Characters"-no this was not my idea but instead our lovely President-Laura Kuder.
Renee: all of my thoughts are on the internet
Emily: I can't because I am nervous
Renee: It's okay I will be the voice of the people.
Overhears Cathy asking John M. if he is running for anything....John denies but stay tuned for what John will do later in the night....
Literally half of the room is eating chinese food, and I am hungry. Someone send help, or chinese food.
Confirmed sighting: John M. has a slide whistle
6:04pm: Koosh has yelled at the Press Board group for not having ballots. Koosh we need to inform the people and be voting members. Give us a break
Scott: Fuck off
#FourTimesForHorsesAss ?
6:06:45pm JSS did not mention me on @PBDecides for blogging credit. I am hurt.
Laura is talking about announcements for the week-nice!
6:13pm Greer gets up to speak, there are rules....
Laura is telling the band what she does
Laura: "everything"
She doesn't have specific jobs,, she does lots of emails and stuff
Hey hey Hey Emily is back
Emily is your 2017-2018 President by acclimation
6:29pm Aaron is speaking now
Squidward ...something about firemen and WHAT IT MEANS TO BE IN A MARCHING BAND. "anyone can find our purpose or what that Japanese word for grit means"
Aaron wants to come remotely close ....Aaron wants us to think of him as a firemen
Jackie: have you met with a past VP?
Aaron: No but I live with him
Hannah: tell us your best joke
Aaaron: Weell its the aristocrats and it has a lot of curse words so I can't
Olive: Fav Nick Cage character?
Aaron: something from Con Air
JSS: He has the real question....you don't do much except write shows, what are you going to do within those 8 months?
Aaron: A big part was "being there when board can't".
Emily: Who is our audience?
Aaron: We don't know because we don't know we can buy a ticket to our game. We have such a presence so its really the entire community.
Renee: There's a discrepancy between what we think is funny and then what we can say. What are you going to do if we write something great and then it gets shot down?
Aaron: It's definitely happened in the past (this year with Brown) so its definitely possible to rewrite that quickly. We just gotta work to gather
Jenna: Working with DM....how will he be the best at communicating ?
Aaron: Having the DMs there from the beginning. Shoutout to Richard who comes to Showriting!
Greer-okay we are done. Jk okay Richard?
Richard: We have 3 Dm's are you ever going to try to slide into us?
Again we can vote or acclaim....
We acclaim Aaron!
Aaron Mittleman is our new Vice President
Emily talks about the importance of bookkeeping as treasurer.
Melanie nominates Ryan, Ryan declines.
Rendy gets up to speak
Rendy realized today that the Penn Band has meant so much to me. Band was important to him in high school but its a lot different here. That's why he didn't join until his sophomore year. Once he joined he realized that it could grow to be a group he loves-and it has (yay us). He is running because he wants to continue the hard work that Emily did and he really loves money. He dreams and eats money.....(Emily is freaking out). He made a money tree in second grade and cried when dollar bills didn't grow from it. He thinks he is pretty good at asking people for money. He has compared himself to Mona from Parks and Rec (Note: The Office is much better). On a serious note: he is willing to work really hard for us.
Jackie: Has he talked to previous treasurers?
Rendy: Yeah I talked to Emily and we talked about the time commitment
Emily: This year especially has good for helping people with dues/semi. How are you going to have those conversations and establish privacy?
Rendy: Establishing trust-we need to be private and that only Rendy will know about it!
Ben: Name 5 freshmen not in your section
Rendy: Ryan, Kevin, Saloni, Matt F., Melannie Jay
Renee: We are both biochem #goyouguys! How are you going to balance school and dental school interviews?
Rendy: Again he spoke to Em and has gone over the time commitment with him.
David: Band pants disaster-he never had band pants that didn't fit well and he just got better ones!
Rendy: I'm pretty organized and I will do my best
Cathy: do you have any experience with working with SAC?
Rendy: Yep I have with other groups. I also have friends on SAC
Olivia: I know that snakes are cold blooded-how are you going to work through coming to band in the winter?
Rendy declines to answer
Ben: Sometimes on Board you guys make decisions that you might not agree with. What will you do if that happens? Or okay give an example?
Rendy: I mean everyone thinks taylor swift sucks and I don't
Okay voting by acclimation.
Rendy Fernandez is our new Treasurer!
Ben nominates Spencer Fox
Spencer: FUCK NO
Only nominee is Zabryna who is oversees...no one is nominated
Greer forgot to ask Renee what she did
Renee-writes lots of emails, links that no one clicks and SHE WORKS WITH EVERYONE
Ben: RENEE-do you take attendance?
Renee: shit yeah I do
Video of Zabs plays
She misses making chaos and noise (they are the same?)
She is introducing herself from across the globe.
She wriggles into band pants that don't fit.
She was sleader of the mighty chop section and that she was also CA.
She feels that technical skills are the least important: ITS ALL ABOUT FAMILY. we need to propel the band forward.
Jackie: Did you talk to previous secretaries?
Zabs: She spoke to Renee and explained her duties and roles-what was most challenging and sustaining communication?
Max: Where are you?
Zabs: Argentina!
Jackson: Why is the file name Zabs
Zabs: ask emily
Ben: Coming back from abroad isn't always easy...coming to board might not be easy?
Zabs: She was challenged in other ways and is mentally ready to tackle Penn!!!!!!
Laura: So the rest of the board members are all SAXES!!!!!! will that be a problem ?
Zabs: I have experience with them: I LIVE WITH TWO OF THEM (yay Candace and em)
She will speak to other sections
Actualy question: one of the most important things was taking attendance and knowing EVERYONE!!!!! how will you get to know everyone?
Zabs: I'm real social and can go out and say hi ! Feel free to say hi.
Emily: How do you feel about DM & board? Are you gonna do both?
Zabs: She wants to audition for DM in the future and she wants to maintain both. Board and DM have different duties.
Nick: Have you considered becoming a saxophone?
Zabs: she is true and true brass!!!!
JSS: everyone in the band has a unique perspective and as an organization we have to think what we want to focus on. What is our mission?
Z: Band's purpose is to foster a community of individuals. Within the band itself so everyone feels included and make band a family (take a shot) and also so people can just play music! Broader...within Penn represent Penn community so you don't get swooped up and actively showing the Pride and love of Penn.
Ben: What is Scott's middle name?
Zabs: I don't know......
Greer: trick question not fair
Jeanette: HI ZABRYNA....you talked about potential of DM and Board...can you compartmentalize? You would have half of board living together?
Z: being able to separate board duties and living together with Em?
Em and I would have a good understand and not to take things outside. This is our duty its not personal ever.
Ben motions to acclaim
Zabryna is our new secretary!
Back to announcements!!!
come to Renee's exhibit on Wednesday at 5:30pm!
(come support her she is great and there will be food and wine!)
Emily announces musical bingo at Tap House...she is give out wristbands for the extended Happy Hour (GREERMUFFS).
6:58pm we have one more important vote: its for Horse's ass NOT an asshole-whats the difference Scott?
Scott: Ehhhh???
Scott has won it three times
Greer has twice
its for services that are "untorn"
It all started from AJ who tackled some guy....
Emily nominates Ben Parker for replying all to 20,000 people
Greer rejects this because it wasn't band related
Renee nominates Adam for not locking the listserv
Emily nominates the chops for the freaking fight on stinger
JSS nominates the chops for playing Joshua
Nick nominates the mellos for succeeding
Kyle last minute nominates Emily and Trevor for stealing the Hillel sign from Brown.....
options are:
The chops
Emily & Trevor for the sign
Monday, November 27, 2017
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