Friday, September 26, 2008

Quality finally meets quantity

My Dad, continuing the tradition of videotaping anything musical I do he can attend of course taped the Penn Band's performance at last Saturday's Penn vs. Villabrova game. I posted pregame and halftime on the YouTube so bandos could actually see what we look like.

I've heard from multiple sources that we sound way better live than on tape. I very much agree with this. Since I think we sound pretty decent on tape as well, you should have a good idea of what being in the stands and listening to the Penn Band is really like.

I thought this would be a good place for general comments on how I, and you guys, feel this went/looks. Enjoy.


Pregame Entrace=AWESOME!! (Note, since this was my dad taping, there will obviously be some visual emphasis on me, but I edited out all the pure John moments). However, you can really see how well this worked. Worlds better than our original attempt to march in two straight lines from the sidelines (The Sand People travel single file to hide their numbers).

PENN: The E looked a little sparse in this formation. Need to fill out the top and bottom lines. Sounds great.

Highball: Except for the asymmetry in the drumline in front, looks great. Forgot to explain to the drummers the importance of this, my bad. Just a minor point. I guess our little drummer girls don't like being too close together.

Big P: same issue drummers. Will fix for Dartmouth. Maybe face the sideline for this one.

Banner: Whoa, front line! Looks like we were missing someone. You can hear the woodwinds! Sweet!

Except for these few minor things, a very commendable job. Pregame is usually the most complicated drill we do and we looked and sounded great. Hope we don't lose it waiting for Dartmouth.


I look really....interesting cuing in the flying v...
1+1= : Wow, looks really clear except for the = sign. Listen to my parents try to figure it out... Yeah mellophones and saxes! It's great finally to hear those counter melodies.

Jay Wright's Hair: good hustle to this formation. Not much to say. Sounded great and I think the Nova fans eventually liked it.

NJ: again, wow! Having this many bandos on the field really makes these letter formations clear! Some nice singing by my dad and the crowd.

R+B: this formation took a little long to form, but ended up great. The B looks a little blobbish, but I adjusted the drill so this should look fantastic for Lafayette.

Again, awesome job for our first show! Keep it up!

I also decided to post our performance of SUBG, since the crowd really seemed to like it. Also, physical evidence of the crowd enjoying the Penn Band is good to have around. I hope we can do more playing for the student section in the future.



Vicky Parysek said...

Livin' on a Prayer sounded fantastic; great job guys! I love getting the crowd to sing along, too...:)

Vicky Parysek said...

P.S. I have no idea why it's posting my name as agnieszka. So confused right now.

- Vicky

Big Mike said...

wow, this thing knows who I am? scary...

The halftime show was pretty legit. as for pregame, well, I think the second "N" in "Penn" was a little off (5 yards to be exact). Oh well, can't win them all.

The King of Pavonia said...

Flying V Entrance for the Villanova game. I'm glad we do it.

Unknown said...

I think we're all supposed to leave comments.

Unknown said...

I love you despite your rude comments about my singing. Always a pleasure to see the band do a great job. Of course, we could spell out a lot more in the 1970's when we were really the Marching 101...Dad